Be prepared for self-isolation

Published Tuesday 27 April 2021 at 14:12

Be prepared for self-isolation – this is the message from Blackburn with Darwen Council health bosses.

Self-isolation is one of the most effective measures to halt the spread of the virus. Examples may include if your child’s bubble at school is closed down, or they develop symptoms, or someone in your house has tested positive for Coronavirus.

By stopping contact with anyone other than your household, you are stopping the spread of the virus to loved ones, colleagues, neighbours and your wider community.

Rebecca Ramsay, Interim Service Lead – Prevention & Neighbourhoods at Blackburn with Darwen Council, said:

Anybody in your household could need to self-isolate with little warning – so our advice is to have a plan in place in advance.

This virus is not going to go away – but you are much less likely to require self-isolation if you keep your interactions covid-safe.

Self-isolation can happen to anyone – and it helps to be prepared. You and your family might not have had to isolate before, but you might need to in the future. Take this opportunity to have a conversation with your family, friends and neighbours to see how you can help each other if required.”

Residents are being urged to consider things like how they would access food if they need to isolate, who would walk their pets, who may be able to go shopping on their behalf if they don’t want to shop online, and whether they’re able to work from home.

It’s also worth considering what will happen if part of your care network is affected – for example a childminder.

For anyone who may be struggling financially, support is available by contacting Blackburn with Darwen’s Help Hub on 01254 588 111 – who can put temporary provisions in place, or signpost you to other partners who can help. The Help Hub can also help you access support with shopping if you have problems with this during self-isolation

There is also social and emotional support available – such as a befriending service – for those suffering from loneliness or the effects of lockdown.

Dominic Harrison, Director Public Health for Blackburn with Darwen Council, said:

The challenge to self-isolate if positive for coronavirus will be with us as long as the virus is present in our community. Apart from vaccinations, self-isolation is the government’s biggest defence to control the spread.

By keeping interactions with people to a minimum and remaining covid-safe – by keeping your distance, wearing a face mask and washing your hands regularly – you will limit your chances of having to self-isolate.”

If you’re symptomatic, you should self-isolate immediately and book a test. You can book a test by calling 119 or visiting

For more information and guidance visit


Can I still walk my dog / go out to exercise?

No. If you and your family are self-isolating, you should not leave the house at all. Ask a neighbour, family member of friend to walk the dog and collect the pet from the doorstep, ideally using their own lead to prevent cross contamination.

Do other family members have to isolate?

Yes. If a member of your house has tested positive or you have been a close contact of someone who has, the whole family has to self-isolate.

Who do I contact if I need help with shopping / prescriptions /online deliveries etc

We suggest speaking to family, friends and neighbours to see who can support you. You can shop online and get food delivered to your doorstep, or ask your support network to leave it on your doorstep.

For prescriptions, speak you your pharmacy. They should be able to deliver your medication.

Can my neighbours leave shopping at the door?

Yes. They should not enter the house.

Do we need to self-isolate if my child’s bubble is shut down at school?

Only the child who’s been sent home needs to isolate – that would only change if the child developed symptoms.

What if I care for someone else?

Discuss with your family and friends who may be able to take over your duties while you self-isolate.

What if I’m a key worker?

You are still required to self-isolate. Speak to your employer so you know what the protocol is if you have to self-isolate. Are you able to work from home? Do you have everything you need at home to be able to do your job?

Do I need to get a test? How?

If you have symptoms, you should get a test. You can call 119 or visit to book your test. Testing centres are equipped to deal with those who are symptomatic.

Any financial support available to me?

Possibly. Speak to the Blackburn with Darwen Help Hub to see what support is available to you.



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