Sports club helps kids get active

Published Tuesday 18 November 2014 at 17:51

A new sports club has launched which aims to get children active.

Based at Bangor Street Community Centre on Norwich Street, Blackburn, the club is open to children over the age of ten, with a wide range of sports available and is free of charge.

Taking place every Thursday from 6pm until 7.30pm, a range of activities are run by the club, including cricket and boxing, with something for everyone.

The project is funded by Lancashire Sport through ‘Positive Together’.

For more information you can call 01254 691551.

Cllr Damian Talbot, Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Young People said:

This is a fantastic service which provides a way for young people to get involved in sport, get active and maybe try something new.

Helping our young people stay active and lead healthy lifestyles is extremely important, and that young people can learn new skills at the same time is a really good thing.”

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