Staff donate toys to Christmas Toy Store

Published Monday 15 December 2014 at 13:52

Generous Council staff have got into the Christmas spirit,  donating toys to Children’s Storehouse, as part of their Christmas Toy Store which helps families who would otherwise be unable to give their child a present this Christmas.

The toys were donated after staff were asked to donate unwanted new or high quality used items, as part of an appeal in the run up to Christmas

Run by Blackburn Vineyard Church, the Children’s Storehouse provides good quality toys, games and books to those who have been referred by agencies, such as children’s services, social services and health professionals.

Based at their Red Rose Court premises close to the town centre, once families are formally registered arrangements are made for them to visit and enjoy a ‘toy store’ style experience.

Also, over £350 pounds was donated by Council staff to Blackburn Foodbank. This included a raffle, and a coffee morning with the leader Cllr Kate Hollern.

Listen to Cllr Hollern talk about the Toy Store collection, and also the money that was raised for Blackburn Foodbank, here:

If anyone would like to donate or for more information they can call on 01254 423912, or email

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