Blackburn and Darwen remember

Published Monday 15 November 2021 at 14:18

People gathered from across the borough to pay their respects to those who lost their lives in conflicts at Remembrance Services.

A Remembrance Sunday service was held at Blackburn Cathedral and was attended by the Mayor of Blackburn with Darwen, Councillor Derek Hardman, the leader of the Council, Councillor Mohammed Khan, Blackburn MP Kate Hollern and Denise Park, Chief Executive of the Council.

Blackburn Cathedral’s Young People’s Choir sang during the service. Following the service at the Cathedral, the traditional parade travelled from King William Street to the Corporation Park Gardens of Remembrance for a wreath laying service.

Wreaths and messages were laid by the Mayor, MP, dignitaries and armed forces representatives and the crowd fell silent to remember the sacrifices made by those lost in conflicts.

Watch a slideshow of the Remembrance Day service, parade and wreath laying:

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A service and wreath-laying was held in Darwen Market Square on Saturday followed by a wreath laying at the Boer War Memorial in Blegrave Square. Deputy Mayor Councillor Suleman Khonat and Deputy Chief Executive of the Council Sayed Osman paid their respects.

A Remembrance Service and wreath laying was also held in Darwen on Sunday, at the war memorial in Bold Venture Park.

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Mohammed Khan said:

Remembrance services are always very poignant, important and moving occasions and this year felt even more so as people were able to come together again at Blackburn Cathedral following last year’s virtual services.

It is so important to remember the ultimate sacrifice made by so many during wars, and to pay tribute to them and reflect upon these terrible conflicts and brave individuals who are gone but certainly not forgotten. Our young men and women gave their life to give us freedom. We will remember them always.”


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