Filed under : Blackburn Central library | Councillor | Damian Talbot | Executive member for Culture | Executive Member for Culture Leisure and Young People | restoration
Blackburn Central Library restoration approaches completion
Published Monday 24 November 2014 at 16:41
Work is almost complete on the restoration of Blackburn’s Central Library.
The majority of the scaffolding and hoardings has been taken down in Town Hall Street, unveiling the restored stonework on the former Co-Op building.
Work is now continuing around the ground floor main entrance and due to be complete next month. The old entrance has also been uncovered during the works and is a great architectural feature to the former Co Op building.
Cllr Damian Talbot, Executive Member for Culture, Leisure and Young People said: “The scaffolding that has been on the central library for around the last twelve months is almost completely removed, and the majority of the stonework has been restored. This was a vital piece of investment, and what it did was give us an opportunity to restore the building back to its original glory. The library is very important in the town, very well used and one of the busiest libraries in the north west, and it is a landmark building in Blackburn town centre.”