We can all do our bit to enjoy the return of our businesses

Published Tuesday 7 July 2020 at 12:58

People in Blackburn and Darwen helped to support local businesses this weekend as lockdown restrictions were lifted.

Pubs, restaurants, bars and hairdressers re-opened on Saturday, July 4th, and many businesses and customers followed Covid-19 secure guidelines to help keep themselves and other people safe.

Many people observed social distancing and provided their contact details for the track and trace scheme which the government had requested, which contacts people if any Covid cases are reported from visitors or staff in pubs or restaurants.

Public Protection officers reported that all premises had made efforts to put in place safety measures but they do depend on the public following them.

The re-opening of these businesses is one of the steps to helping the local economy in Blackburn with Darwen start to recover from the impact of coronavirus.

By shopping local, residents can help to kickstart the economy and help the borough’s businesses get back on their feet.

There were, however, a minority of people who did not follow guidelines, mainly rules for social distancing and meeting people outside your own household. In some cases, no details were left for the track and trace scheme.

To keep yourself, your family and others safe, it is extremely important to follow these guidelines which will also help to avoid outbreaks and any further restrictions returning. Our businesses are relying on customers to follow these guidelines to enable them to remain Covid-secure and operate safely.

Where possible, people should remain a 2-metre distance from those outside of their household. Where this cannot be done, precautions should be taken which include: wearing a cloth face covering or mask, keeping interactions brief and following Covid-19 secure guidelines.

People should continue to wash their hands often for at least 20 seconds, and should isolate and book a test if they have a change/loss of smell or taste, fever or new continuous cough.

The rules of the premises should be followed completely, including social distancing, serving and payment rules, and the numbers of people allowed in at any one time.

Councillor Phil Riley, Executive Member for Growth and Development, said:

On the whole people were sensible over the weekend as they visited our local businesses and I want to give those people a big thank you for that. We are aware that there was a small minority who did not follow the guidelines and caused some issues for certain pubs.

We need people to remain responsible, careful and cautious as they take their first steps back into socialising and going about their business, as we can’t do these things in the way we used to now. While the economy and getting it moving again is really needed, the health of people in the borough is always the most important thing.”


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